Support ark of life


Ark of Life needs your help to expand the existing collections of critically endangered carnivorous plants to prevent the total extinction of these taxa.


Ark of Life needs your help to expand the existing collections of critically endangered carnivorous plants to prevent the total extinction of these taxa.


Please note: none of the Ark of Life team are paid in any way. Funds are occasionally donated to botanic gardens, organisations and individuals that maintain the Ark of Life collections (so that maintenance costs are covered, e.g. electricity, water etc.). But no remuneration of any kind is paid as wages.


Please consider the following ways:

Support ark of life

Donate Plants

Ark of Life is keen to expand the existing collections.


We source plants for Ark of Life collections only from specimens that are already in cultivation.


We strictly do not source plants collected from the wild to prevent driving further poaching of wild populations (and contributing to the problem we are trying to solve).


If you have in your plant collection any of the critically endangered carnivorous plant taxa listed on this website and would like to donate a cutting or division, please email


In particular, we are searching for distinct, genetic strains that are not in our collection already. If you have a unique specimen (e.g. a seed grown individual) of any of the plants listed on our website, then please contact us.


We are particularly grateful for any divisions or cuttings of cultivated plants that are sent free of charge. Please email us to organise the sending of donated plant material.


We do understand donating plants free of charge may not be possible for all horticulturists, in which case, we may be willing to purchase divisions or cuttings from you. Please email us to discuss this.

Ark of Life needs funds to maintain the existing collections of critically endangered carnivorous plants.


Every penny of money donated to Ark of Life will be used specifically for this purpose.


All supporters and donors are credited on the Supporters page.


Please donate funds to the Ark of Life PayPal account:


Or email to make a bank transfer or to send a cheque.


Or use the form below to make a donation which will charge your credit or debit card.


Thank you very much


The Ark of Life Team

Support Ark of Life

Donate Funding

Donation Form

Protect Endangered Arks

£ 25.00
Personal Info

Donation Total: £25.00

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