Drosera ARK
Nepenthes ARK
what we do?
Ark of Life is a safeguard to prevent the extinction of the world’s rarest carnivorous plants
About Ark of Life
Ark of Life is a non-profit project that aims to prevent the extinction of the world’s rarest species of carnivorous plants.
Unfortunately, many carnivorous plant species occur across very small natural ranges and are extremely sensitive to habitat disturbance.
To make matters worse, many carnivorous plants command high prices amongst horticulturists and are intensively targeted by illegal poaching. See detailed records of the scale of illegal poaching of carnivorous plants on www.cppoachers.com (note: the Ark of Life project and the Ark of Life team are not in any way affiliated with the anonymous CP Poachers project, which records evidence of worldwide poaching of carnivorous plants).
In recent years, these factors have resulted in several carnivorous plant taxa becoming critically endangered, extinct, near-extinct or functionally extinct in the wild.
One of the most dramatic examples of recent years is that of Nepenthes rigidifolia, in which every single known wild specimen has been illegally poached. All known populations of this plant are completely extirpated, and the species is now regarded as extinct in the wild. <
But… it is not too late to save the world’s rarest carnivorous plants… even Nepenthes rigidifolia.
The Ark of Life project brings together a network of botanical gardens and horticulturists that are determined to stop the world’s rarest species of carnivorous plants disappearing forever
Ark of Life Project Video
Join Us
Ark of Life is a non-profit project.
Our team is completely unpaid, although where possible, we donate funds to botanic gardens and horticulturists that look after
Ark if Life collections to cover
electricity bills and equipment etc.
Please help us expand our arks to stop the extinction of the world’s rarest carnivorous plants.
Get In Touch
Email: info@arkoflife.net